Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In Theory

The name of this post is...

"In Theory"

...just keep that in mind.


On the first Sunday of the month we do the following:
  • Plan temple attendance date
  • Plan HT/VT appointments
  • Any other important scheduling items
  • Sit down with each of our kids individually and have a heart to heart about their lives, their likes, their dislikes (a treat should be involved here to get the kids to sit longer than 5 seconds), and set a goal with them to accomplish during the month. I refer to the list of skills found in this book during our goal setting session.


I plan our weekly school schedule on Friday evenings. Most of the scheduling is already done, but I do plan our week of science lessons and service project during my planning session.

We also go to the library weekly. I go on Mondays. We check out all the books on our given science topic to read throughout the following week.

This is our schedule

  • Sing primary song
  • Read a chapter from the scripture readers
  • Write and draw in our scripture journals (we use a 3x5 inch spiral notebook). I ask the kids what they learned from the chapter we read and then I write down what they dictate and then let them draw a picture.
  • Family Prayer
  • Scripture memorization (we memorize 2 scriptures/month). I pick scriptures that go with our yearly family theme. This year our family theme is "Listen and Obey" and I also use the monthly Primary scripture.
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Calendar (to learn months, days, and numbers)
  • Watch a Mormon Message video

This is my buffer time. I have two approaches to Spanish time. If I am showered and ready for the day, and Anna is fed, I sit down and play with the kids and only speak Spanish with them. We will play board games or puzzles or helicopters or something like that. If however, I am not ready or Anna needs some attention, I put in a Pimsleur Spanish CD and have the boys listen to it while they play or put puzzles together and I catch up.


This includes house cleaning, yard work, laundry, or anything else that needs attention in our home. We all just work together to get it done...I have found this is the time I need the most patience.


Most of this blog will be devoted to the lessons I am teaching in science. I do all hands on learning and I supplement it with the books we check out in the library on this subject. This year we are learning about "The Earth".


We always swim on Mondays, but the other days vary depending on the weather. Some of our favorite PE outings are bike riding, tennis, basketball, T-ball, trampolining, and on rainy days we'll do gymnastics. We just all play together.


I make them help with preparation and clean up.


This is when we read those library books about our science topic and other picture books. I read to the kids. After we read some books, James and Anna go down for a nap and Daniel and I work on reading, spelling, and math.


I bought a curriculum for these. For spelling I am using "Explode the Code". I love it. I am very happy with it. For reading we are using "Alphaphonics". I am not in love with it, but it is working. I don't have to do any prep work for this. I just pull out the books and we start.


I also bought a math curriculum. We are using McRuffy math. I love it. Daniel loves it. It comes with all sorts of manipulatives. It has been a great experience so far.

Quiet Time

This is our private reading time. I read my book, Daniel reads/looks at his.

And that my friends, is the



  1. Thanks Tara, I needed this today (Feb. 2013) It reminded me of how organized we need to be in order to run an efficient home school AND how important it is to be flexible when the "Theory" isn't going as planned. How blessed we are to be able to spend this important time with our children.

  2. Wow, Tara. I have some work to do! I love so many of your ideas. So simple but yet all worthwhile. Thank you for sharing with those of us less organized than yourself!
    Love, love
